
Eat Meat and Stop Jogging
by 27 March 2014
0 Pages · 2015 · 209 · 109 Downloads · New!
“Eat Meat and Stop Jogging: Common Advice On How to Get Fit is Keeping You Fat and Making You Sick” is a wonderful book in which the author reveals the wrong beliefs about nutrition, diet, fitness, and health goals. Mike Sheridan is the author of this marvelous book. Mike Sheridan has been advising people on nutrition for decades and has written many other books in this regard. He is a marvelous author. He is of opinion that it is the need of the hour that we should educate people about why to do and then how to do. In this book, the author tells us that according to the advice of medical professionals, and other health committees we are cutting down the number of saturated fats but they are not much dangerous in fact they are beneficial, and excessive marathon running is also not as beneficial as it is considered. Here the author tells us that our nutritional advice is outdated and what was suitable fifty years back is not suitable today and the reason that we are crowded with chronic diseases is that we are following outdated information for our nutritional problems. In a conclusion, the book is knowledge-giving and interesting at the same time.


