
HTML5 Game Development with ImpactJS
by Arno Meysman
304 Pages · 2013 · 3.5 MB · 3,638 Downloads · New!
ImpactJS is a JavaScript library specially geared towards building 2-dimensional games. It is intuitive and versatile and allows the game developer to get results in no time while keeping an easy overview when games grow more complex. Games built with ImpactJS can be published on websites and even as an app on both Android and iOS.
Introducing Data Science
by Arno Meysman
320 Pages · 2016 · 14.9 MB · 2,695 Downloads · New!
Introducing Data Science teaches you how to accomplish the fundamental tasks that occupy data scientists. Using the Python language and common Python libraries, you’ll experience firsthand the challenges of dealing with data at scale and gain a solid foundation in data science.


