
Android Studio Application Development
by Belen Cruz Zapata
110 Pages · 2013 · 2 MB · 4,550 Downloads · New!
Mobile apps have become extremely popular over the last few years and offer a great opportunity for developers. Android is now one of the most popular mobile systems in the world. The new Android Studio IDE has introduced a specialized development environment, welcomed by the emerging Android community, which is perfect for the development of apps.
Android Studio Essentials
by Belen Cruz Zapata
126 Pages · 2015 · 14.35 MB · 3,732 Downloads · New!
Android Studio is an IDE that is based on the JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA. It gives developers a unique platform to develop and debug Android apps using various developer tools. It has a wide array of features such as live layout facility, Gradle build support, and template-based wizards, which makes it a preferred choice for developers.


