
by Bernadette Jiwa
176 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 41 Downloads · New!
Meaningful is the business and marketing guide which contains the stories of successful people and the reason behind their success. Bernadette Jiwa is the author of this amazing book. We are living in a modern and digital world where one good idea on the internet can change his entire life. The idea will work for him if it makes the life of people easier than they are living. So you just need a laptop and internet connection to change your life. There are thousands of people around the world who try to different things but only a few of them achieve desired results. Why the people like Khan Academy, Dyson vacuum cleaner, the GoPro camera and Kickstarter business owners make their impact on the industries. What are the common things which they shared and why other entrepreneurs fail? The author has the years of experience in consulting the investors, entrepreneurs, innovators and managers. He shares the stories of world-class people to promote the culture of success. Success is not something which you got through luck and for this you first have to pay its amount. Every entrepreneur who achieve his goal once a beginner and you just has to believe in yourself to make the things better. You can make your ideas where you think to help others. If your idea fulfils the requirement of helping people then it surely pays you with success, money and fame.
by Roger Kerin, Steven Hartley, Bernadette Jiwa
624 Pages · 2015 · 44 MB · 42 Downloads · New!
The “Marketing: The Core, 8th Edition” is an enlightening book about marketing. Roger Kerin and Steven Hartley are the authors of this book. Roger is the Harold C. Simmons Distinguished Professor of marketing at the Edwin L. Cox School of Business. He holds a B.A, M.B.A, and Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. His teaching and research interests lie in marketing planning and strategy, project management. In this book, the authors describe the marketing and products. The first section of this book talks about 14 products. With the help of this book, the reader will learn how to deal with customers and make a brand in the market. Additionally, marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. It is a business process of creating a relationship with satisfying customers. The authors also reveal 5 marketing concepts of marketing, such as product concept, product, selling concept and marketing concept. They describe marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of your ideas. Every business needs to successfully market their products and services. This book engages all the readers from start to end of page and worth to read. All in all, Marketing is a necessary book for all the marketing people and businessmen.


