
One Night at the Lake
by Bethany Chase
304 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 56 Downloads · New!
The “One Night at the Lake: A Novel” has a story of friendship and love of two friends with one boy. Bethany Chase is the author of this novel. Bethany Chase headed to Williams College for an English degree and somehow came the other side an interior designer. She lives with her husband and son in New Jersey. In this best-selling novel, the author says about Leah and June are two friends, who love the same man, but the Leah has died. Leah and Ollie have been together a long time, she looks at Ollie as part of her, and she recognizes how lucky she is to have found a man to love and be loved back. Seven years later, June prepares to go to the lake where Leah died, and June with her fiancé Ollie.


