
Core Animation for Mac OS X and the iPhone
by Bill Dudney
200 Pages · 2008 · 2.9 MB · 2,893 Downloads · New!
Have you seen Apple’s Front Row application and Cover Flow effects? Then you’ve seen Core Animation at work. It’s about making applications that give strong visual feedback through movement and morphing, rather than repainting panels. This comprehensive guide will get you up to speed quickly and take you into the depths of this new technology.
iPhone SDK Development
by Bill Dudney
661 Pages · 2009 · 15.4 MB · 4,873 Downloads · New!
Jump into application development for today’s most remarkable mobile communications platform, the Pragmatic way, with iPhone SDK Development. This Pragmatic guide takes you through the tools and APIs, the same ones Apple uses for its applications, that you can use to create your own software for the iPhone and iPod touch. Packed with useful examples, this book will give you both the big-picture concepts and the everyday “gotcha” details that developers need to make the most of the beauty and power of the iPhone OS platform.
iOS SDK Development
by Bill Dudney
296 Pages · 2012 · 13.8 MB · 4,882 Downloads · New!
iOS SDK Development is the second edition of the bestselling iPhone SDK Development, completely rewritten from the ground up to cover iOS 6’s new features. You’ll get hands-on experience working with Objective-C and Xcode 4 as you work through this tutorial-style book with two experienced iOS developers by your side.


