
Keto Meal Prep
by Bobby Parrish, Dessi Parrish
224 Pages · 2015 · 54.9MB · 42 Downloads · New!
“Keto Meal Prep by FlavCity: 125+ Low Carb Recipes That Actually Taste Good” is such a high-quality cookbook with great, tasty keto recipes. Bobby Parrish and Dessi Parrish are the authors of this awesome and perfect book. Bobby is a passionate home cook who went to the best culinary school around: his mom’s kitchen. He wanted to be on the Food Network badly, and, when they rejected his application for the Next Food Network Star, he decided to start a YouTube channel. Four years and hundreds of thousands of fans later, it seems the Food Network made a mistake. Bobby and his wife Dessi started filming online cooking videos for the sole purpose of proving that healthy food can taste good and that home cook can be rock stars in the kitchen. Dessi not only joins Bobby on camera to share some of her dessert recipes, but she also does all the photography, filming, editing, and website design for FlavCity. This is a wonderful new cookbook for the health-conscious and anyone looking for a Keto or whole thirty way of life. This cookbook is so well thought out and the recipes are great. They truly are full of flavor and fun to make. There are over 125 recipes and each of them looks so good. Bobby explains why he prefers certain ingredients or brands and how to substitute as needed )ex swap out the protein, eliminate the nut or the cheese and so on. Bobby & Dessi have really tasty, healthy approachable recipes and these grow out of how they actually cook and eat at home. They sincerely seem to want to help us be healthier and more environmentally responsible. in our food choices. Their personality really comes through on each and every page. The book itself is beautifully laid out with everything you need to know, including macros. If you’re an experienced cook, you’ll enjoy these easy recipe and if you’re new in the kitchen, you’ll surprise yourself and your friends with what a good cook you are. Get this cookbook you’ll be so glad you did. Fresh, healthy eating – it’s all here with flavor. The whole book is very upbeat and optimistic. And that’s great. But, it would have been a more interesting read if she talked about any sort of challenges she faced at all. Overall, it’s a very cute book and will make you smile.


