
MySQL/PHP database applications
by Jay Greenspan, Brad Bulger
648 Pages · 2015 · 4 MB · 50 Downloads · New!
The “MySQL/PHP database applications (Professional Mindware)” is a must-read book for web developers. Jay Greenspan and Brad Bulger are the authors of this book. Jay Greenspan is a writer and database developer. Most recently a producer at Wired Digital’s Webmonkey, where he wrote about PHP, ASP, XML, and other topics. Brad Bulger is a seasoned software developer who previously worked at Ingres and Wired magazine. In this book, the authors say, nowadays more businesses are trying to bring applications to the Web. PHP and MySQL are often used together in building sites and providing everything from installation instruction to function references. Numerous examples of this book are relevant to current practical web database system applications. Before starting this book, you will have some knowledge of how PHP4 and MySQL are working, then they can start building customizing database applications for the web right away. After reading this book, you will have the knowledge of how to build a PHP application and transform it into a responsive and user-friendly interface. They start out with simple examples and then they get more and more complex, but you are never lost. The writing style of MySQL/PHP database applications is personable and consistently engaging. In short, MySQL/PHP database applications is a must-read book for the backend developers.


