
Red Spectre
by Brain Andrew
0 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 42 Downloads · New!
“Red Spectre: Tier One Thrillers, Book 5” is a Thriller and fact-filled book in which the author tells the story of a criminal named John Dempsey who is underground with his workers to attack Russia. This book is a mixture of strikes and counter strikes. This horror-filled and entertaining book is written by Brain Andrew. He is the bestselling Fictional and historical writer and has written many detective novels to entertain the readers. This book is about the hidden secrets of racism between Russia and other countries. In this book, the author tells us how secret Russian forces do works to prevent the attack and war. The Zeta (Secret Russian Force) traps the Dempsey and how he saves himself from them by going underground. The author tells us that almost all the countries have secret forces but Zeta is much more powerful than one can imagine and events and happenings discussed in this book are the witnesses of this wealth and power. As Russia is a superpower so it is not easy to defeat it in any way neither in technology nor in the war. Concluding, the book is highly informative, knowledge giving about modern science and technology, full of suspense and interest for the readers.


