
iPhone and iPad in Action
by Brandon Trebitowski
432 Pages · 2010 · 8.4 MB · 4,379 Downloads · New!
This hands-on tutorial will help you master iPhone/iPad development using the native iPhone SDK. It guides you from setting up dev tools like Xcode and Interface Builder, through coding your first app, all the way to selling in the App Store.
iOS 4 in Action
by Brandon Trebitowski
504 Pages · 2011 · 11.6 MB · 3,490 Downloads · New!
iOS 4 in Action, written for Xcode 4, is a detailed, hands-on guide that goes from setting up your development environment, through your first coding steps, all the way to creating a polished, commercial iOS 4 application. You’ll run through examples from a variety of areas including a chat client, a video game, an interactive map, and background audio. You’ll also learn how the new iOS 4 features apply to your existing iOS 3 based apps. This book will help you become a confident, well-rounded iOS 4 developer.


