
Barbarians at the Gate
by Bryan Burrough, John Helyer, John Helyar
592 Pages · 2008 · 3 MB · 44 Downloads · New!
Barbarians at the Gate is the history, memoir and biography book in which author shares the hidden secrets which turn the RJR Nabisco into relic organization. Bryan Burrough and John Helyar are the guys behind this superb book. He is the journalist who was actually writing columns on the RJR Nabisco and after knowing a lot he finally decided to write a book. The company formed in 1985 with the combination of Nabisco Brands. It became the most expensive company and consider as the 19th largest industrial concern after three years. There is no other company who got expand like RJR and there are various challenges which they overcome to get the success. The organization is dealing with the $ billions and investors are knocking at the door to buy its shares. There are different competitors in the market but they did not resist and affect the performance of this great company. When everything was doing great for the RJR Nabisco then what happened which totally change the atmosphere? Why the shares of $ billions disappear over a few weeks? What is the reason behind Saloman Brothers as they join as the backer in management? What is the reason behind the offer of $ 90 and the financial statement which are included? Why Mr Johnson’s from surface level to $21 billion? The book contains all the answers behind the fall of RJR Nabisco. Bryan Burrough writes the different articles and papers behind this organization as the journalist and he gives them a shape through the book.
The Big Rich
by Bryan Burrough
480 Pages · 2010 · 2.1 MB · 46 Downloads · New!
The Big Rich is the petroleum engineering, oil industry and history book which discusses the oil tycoons of America. Bryan Burrough is the author of this remarkable book. He is the bestselling and the three times award-winning author. Bryan works for different news channels and known for his financial journalism. The business of the world begins to change when engineers found the reserves of oil. It takes a few years for scientists to purify the oil and supply all over the world. Oil has changed the faith of whole nations not only the people. The countries who fined the oil reserved are more likely to have a strong economy. Oil gives a boost to the machinery and people are getting an advantage in their daily life. America was the first buyer of the oil and it helps the American people to change their life as well.
Days of Rage
by Bryan Burrough
None Pages · None · · 33 Downloads · New!
From the bestselling author of Public Enemies and The Big Rich, an explosive account of the decade-long battle between the FBI and the homegrown revolutionary movements of the 1970s The Weathermen. The Symbionese Liberation Army. The FALN. The Black Liberation Army. The names seem quaint now, when not forgotten altogether. But there was a time in America, during the 1970s, when bombings by domestic underground groups were a daily occurrence. The FBI combated these and other groups as nodes in a single revolutionary underground, dedicated to the violent overthrow of the American government. In Days of Rage, Bryan Burrough re-creates an atmosphere that seems almost unbelievable just forty years later, conjuring a time of native-born radicals, most of them “nice middle-class kids,” smuggling bombs into skyscrapers and detonating them inside the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol, at a Boston courthouse and a Wall Street restaurant packed with lunchtime diners. The FBI’s fevered response included the formation of a secret task force called Squad 47, dedicated to hunting the groups down and rolling them up. But Squad 47 itself broke many laws in its attempts to bring the revolutionaries to justice, and its efforts ultimately ended in fiasco. Drawing on revelatory interviews with members of the underground and the FBI who speak about their experiences for the first time, Days of Rage is a mesmerizing book that takes us into the hearts and minds of homegrown terrorists and federal agents alike and weaves their stories into a spellbinding secret history of the 1970s.


