
As You Wish
by Cary Elwes
272 Pages · 2015 · 3 MB · 29 Downloads · New!
The “As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride” is a biography book which discusses a famous film. Cary Elwes and Joe Layden are the authors of this best-selling book. Cary Elves is an English actor, screenwriter, and best-selling author. He has also had recurring roles in television series such as The X-Files and Psych. He currently stars in the Crackle series, The Art of More. Joe Layden is an award-winning journalist and best-selling author. Joe has written more than thirty books and all of them are outstanding. He lives in upstate New York. In this film storybook, the author described a beautiful young woman Buttercup, who lives on a farm in the fictional country of Florin. Whenever she orders the farmhand Westley to do chores for her, he says as you wish. Buttercup feels that they are mutually in love. She decided to marry with him but the ship is attacked by the Dread Pirate Roberts and Westley believed he is dead.


