
Firebug 1.5
by Chandan Luthra
224 Pages · 2010 · 5,30 MB · 3,284 Downloads · New!
A step-by-step description of each key feature is provided with the help of simple, easy-to-understand examples. There are plenty of useful screenshots in each chapter. Every chapter contains information as well as tips and tricks to draw your attention towards some useful information or reference. Each aspect of web development like CSS or JavaScript is handled independently so that you can refer to those modules in which you are interested. This book is written for frontend web developers building software and pages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and AJAX, who want to learn Firebug for the reasons outlined above. The book assumes that readers have a very basic knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The examples in the book can be understood by someone who has just been introduced to web development.
Firebug 1.5: Editing, Debugging, and Monitoring Web Pages
by Chandan Luthra
224 Pages · 2010 · 6.6 MB · 2,132 Downloads · New!
With the advent of RIA (Rich Internet Applications), most web pages are driven by a combination of JavaScript, AJAX, CSS, and so on. Web developers and designers find it hard to debug and fix the issues that crop up on the client side. Firebug is a wonderful toolkit to have in your arsenal for handling all such issues. This book covers all of Firebug’s features and will help you utilize its capabilities with maximum efficiency. AJAX development and debugging is not one of the easiest tasks; this book explains step-by-step, how to develop and debug AJAX components in your web page in a very easy way, thereby increasing your productivity. Topics like performance tuning of the web page are covered in detail.


