
Foundation HTML5 with CSS3
by Craig Cook
430 Pages · 2012 · 11.31 MB · 3,589 Downloads · New!
If you want to get into developing web sites, the most important thing you’ll need is a solid understanding of Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML—the most common language used to write web site content. The most recent version of the language is HTML5, and it contains a whole host of new features to give you more power when creating websites.
Beginning HTML with CSS and XHTML
by Craig Cook
452 Pages · 2007 · 9.2 MB · 4,039 Downloads · New!
Why another HTML book? Web development has changed with the advent of web standards, rendering older books obsolete. The code and techniques in this book are strictly standards compliant, so readers’ web pages will work properly in most web browsers, be lean and small in file size, accessible to web users with disabilities, and easily located by search engines such as Google. The book uses practical examples to show how to structure data correctly using (X)HTML, the basics of styling it and laying it out using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS,) and adding dynamic behavior to it using JavaScript – all as quickly as possible.


