
Getting Started with XenDesktop 7.x
by Craig Thomas Ellrod
422 Pages · 2014 · 22.5 MB · 3,314 Downloads · New!
Citrix is an established name in today’s Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) era by virtue of their desktop and application virtualization platforms, with the capability to assign applications and contents in a secure manner.
Optimizing Citrix® XenDesktop® for High Performance
by Craig Thomas Ellrod
212 Pages · 2015 · 3.65 MB · 2,815 Downloads · New!
Citrix XenDesktop is a suite of desktop virtualization tools designed to provide users with fast and convenient access to their Windows desktops and applications through any device. Virtual desktops mean that rather than setting up hundreds or thousands of individual computers in an enterprise, companies can instead opt to create servers with large amounts of memory, disk, and processing resources, and use virtualization to offer these resources to end users. The result of this is that users are provided with an experience that appears to be identical to having an individual desktop PC. Each user has some disk space, processor time, and memory allocated to them, as though it is present on their own physical machine, when in reality, the resources are physically present on a centralized server.


