
Soulwood Series
by Blood of the Earth, Curse on the Land, Flame in the Dark, Circle of the Moon
0 Pages · 2015 · ePub · 18 Downloads · New!
Soulwood is an amazing and classy series that grab the attention of those who love fantasy, magic and suspense. Faith Hunter is the author of this amazing and fantastic series. In the world of witches, vampires and other supernatural she is a full-blooded Cherokee skinwalker and rogue vampire. This series consists of four books. These books are Blood of the Earth, Curse on the Land, Flame in the Dark and Circle of the Moon. This series reflects the original urban fantasy. In this series, there is a lady who learns about her strange powers even as they teeter vicariously on the edge of being out of control. She got strength, courage, passion and empathy. The whole story of the series flowed well. Every character is awesome and mystery is multilayered and captivating the whole time. The whole series is incredible and quite intriguing. The characters of the whole series are outstanding and there are plenty of actions. There are deep background and slower pace that grab the attention of readers from beginning to end. The young woman in the series that is contemplative kind of woman makes the whole story attractive. We would highly recommend this series to those who love mystery, magic, suspense, and fiction books.


