
Hot Head Jun
by Damon Suede
320 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 15 Downloads · New!
The “Hot Head by Damon Suede (2011-06-17)” is a wonderfully loud, proud, and an excellent example of a good story, well-developed heroes and friends/family. Damon Suede is the author of this book. The Hot Head is a gorgeously written exploration of the grief that is unrequited love and by love. It is a book about two big, tough guys with most emotional romances. Damon Suede does a great job with Hot Head. Some of the erotic scenes are explosive and satisfying. There’s adequate tension, conflict, emotional connection and characterization to make such scenes really powerful. The author also does a decent job with storytelling overall however, there are many occasions throughout Hot Head where it feels drawn out and unnecessary. The story could be condensed for the purpose of overall flow and keeping the reader’s interest. Where there’s smoke, Brooklyn firefighter Griff Muir has wrestled with impossible feelings for his best friend and partner at Ladder 181, Dante Anastagio. Unfortunately, Dante is strictly a ladies’ man, and the FDNY isn’t exactly gay-friendly. For ten years, Griff has hidden his heart in a half-life of public heroics and private anguish. Griff’s caution and Dante’s cockiness make them an unbeatable team. To protect his buddy, there’s nothing Griff wouldn’t do until a nearly bankrupt Dante proposes the worst possible solution.


