
Integral Equation Methods in Inverse Scattering Theory
by David Colton, Rainer Kress
286 Pages · 2013 · 17.4 MB · 58 Downloads · New!
Integral Equation Methods in Inverse Scattering Theory by David Colton, Rainer Kress is a classic book providing the complete knowledge of the Riesz-Fredholm theory on scalar and vector potentials in spaces of Holder continuous and continuous functions. This is the theory of compact operators in dual systems. It also explains the mapping properties and the jump relations of vector and scalar potentials. The results are useful for studying the scattering problems for the Maxwell and Helmholtz equations. You will get an in-depth understanding of the boundary integral equations for solving acoustic and electromagnetic waves problems. Moreover, this book also provides a complete introduction to inverse scattering theory emphasizing on nonlinearity of the inverse problems. This wonderful book is also a supplement to graduate course on inverse problems and scattering theory. It is a great research topic for mathematicians, physicists, and engineers.


