
The Dream Universe
by David Lindley
240 Pages · 2020 · 5 MB · 50 Downloads · New!
The Dream Universe is the physics, cosmology and quantum theory book that describes physics in detail. David Lindley is the author of this tremendous book. It is a comprehensive guide that contains the captivating narrative about modern science such as modern physics and ancient philosophy. This book is all about quantum physics and how physics change from time to time. Quantum physics deals with small particles. It describes the motion like how things move of different sizes and speeds. The first rule of quantum physics that everything is made of waves and particles. This book covers the concept from Kepler to Newton and Newton to Einstein. Kepler was the one who introduces modern physics to the world. He helps the community to make progress and he was very keen on his goals Kepler gives many theories and all of them were correct. Later on, Newton take over the physics on his own way. He introduces the three laws of physics that are still part of physics. Newton helps the scientist to make more discoveries through his theories. This book offers a diverse view of modern physics and how things are happening with a reason.


