
Teach Like a Champion 2.0
by Doug Lemov
512 Pages · 2015 · 13  MB · 1,384 Downloads · New!
Teach Like a Champion 2.0 is the secondary education, lesson planning, instruction methods and educational guide for the teachers to improve their skills. Doug Lemov is the author of this fabulous book. This is the second edition of the book which changes the lives of millions of teachers. Teaching is the most respected job in the world but it is also a difficult job to perform. Having brief knowledge about any subject is a good thing but if you don’t know how to deliver your knowledge then you are not a good student anymore. Learn how to engages your students and help them to focus on studies.
Teach Like a Champion 2.0
by Doug Lemov
512 Pages · 2015 · 13  MB · 68 Downloads · New!
Teach Like a Champion 2.0 is the secondary education, lesson planning, instruction methods and educational guide for the teachers to improve their skills. Doug Lemov is the author of this fabulous book. This is the second edition of the book which changes the lives of millions of teachers. Teaching is the most respected job in the world but it is also a difficult job to perform. Having brief knowledge about any subject is a good thing but if you don’t know how to deliver your knowledge then you are not a good student anymore. Learn how to engages your students and help them to focus on studies. Find out the classic teaching techniques that help teachers to deliver their lecture effectively. Learn the secrets to motivate students for learning. Find out the new techniques that work on all students. There is a number of things that make you a perfect teacher. The author shares the proven techniques and methods for the readers. All these techniques are easy to implement for everyone. This book consists of several chapters and all of them have something new to share. A highly recommended guide for the teachers.


