
SEO Basics Learn the Secrets of the Search Engines
by Eliel Carvalho
224 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 54 Downloads · New!
“SEO 2020: Learn search engine optimization with smart internet marketing strategies” is a great book for anyone who is interested in understanding how SEO works. Eliel Carvalho is the author of this perfect book.  This book really covers everything, from the research stage to the technical optimization of your site. The author does an excellent job of explaining why Google has made so many updates and gives strategies to stay relevant so your site can rank high on Google. This is a fantastic book, written in simple and easy to understand language. It is immensely helpful to the budding business owner, entrepreneur, or marketer. It is a very good book clearly and concisely describing the basics of SEO, no tedious trifle, quite interesting passages, appropriate for each commencing on, or moderately advanced web designer /coder.


