
Puppet Essentials
by Felix Frank
234 Pages · 2014 · 2.2 MB · 3,228 Downloads · New!
With this book, you’ll be up and running with using Puppet to manage your IT systems. Dive right in with basic commands so that you can use Puppet right away, and then blitz through a series of illustrative examples to get to grips with all the most important aspects and features of Puppet.
Puppet 4 Essentials, Second Edition
by Felix Frank
246 Pages · 2015 · 2.11 MB · 2,722 Downloads · New!
Puppet is a configuration management tool that allows you to automate all your IT configurations, giving you control over what you do to each Puppet Agent in a network, and when and how you do it. In this age of digital delivery and ubiquitous Internet presence, it’s becoming increasingly important to implement scalable and portable solutions, not only in terms of software, but also the systems that run it. The free Ruby-based tool Puppet has established itself as the most successful solution to manage any IT infrastructure. Ranging from local development environments through complex data center setups to scalable cloud implementations, Puppet allows you to handle them all with a unified approach.


