
The Ultimate Guide To The Face Yoga Method
by Fumiko Takatsu
176 Pages · 2013 · 45 MB · 51 Downloads · New!
The Ultimate Guide To The Face Yoga Method is the face exercise, styling and grooming book which tells the secret of a fresh and attractive face. Fumiko Takatsu is the author of this superb book. She is practising yoga from last thirty-years after the terrible car accident at the age of thirty-six. Her face was full of scars after the accident and it’s something really bad for the women. Fumiko was thirty-six years old and thus she decided to take care of her face to become beautiful as she were before. She created the unique exercises for the face and it works magnificently. This face yoga guide is for both men and women. It is practised all over the world and thousands of people already changed their lives with these simple to adopt techniques. There is no need to take your photos on different filters and beauty cams to look beautiful. It gives you a younger, vibrant and fresh face without any filters. You will learn how to align your smile, reshape your jawline and define your cheeks. Further, it teaches how to turn up the corners of the mouth, remove the eye circles and smooth the forehead lines. A person just needs the eight minutes in his entire day to perform this exercise anywhere.


