
The Ship of Dreams
by Gareth Russell
448 Pages · 2015 · 45  MB · 38 Downloads · New!
“The Ship of Dreams: The Sinking of the Titanic and the End of the Edwardian” is a great Britain history book. Gareth Russell is the author of this history book. Gareth Russell is a historian and writer. He studied History at the University of Oxford and completed his postgraduate in Medieval History at Queen’s University, Belfast. He is the author of several history books and all of them are worth to read. In this book, Gareth Russell describes the story in April 1912, six notable people who lived on the ship of a dream, “the RMS Titanic”, but they all are drowned with the Titanic. The research alone must have been exhaustive and extensive. Gareth Russell included the political climate in Belfast and the rest of Ireland where the Titanic was built as well as both the political and social climate of Europe and America. The author also debunks the popular conspiracy theories about the sinking of the Titanic and the rumors that followed some of the passengers both alive and dead. To know about further of the Titanic ship and their passengers, read this history book.


