
Learning Windows Azure Mobile Services for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8
by Geoff Webber-Cross
124 Pages · 2014 · 3.7 MB · 4,706 Downloads · New!
Windows Azure is the most opted for cloud technology, and is getting better each day. With the increasing number of users of Windows Phone and Windows 8, the necessity for a good robust cloud service to support the apps is increasing. Windows Azure Mobile Services is a set of Windows Azure hosted services that are designed to quickly build, deploy, and manage a mobile web-connected app.
Learning Windows Azure
by Geoff Webber-Cross
430 Pages · 2014 · 13.69 MB · 2,311 Downloads · New!
This book guides you through the process of building a Microsoft Azure system based around a case study for an industrial bakery with three business domains. Starting with the system design and selection of the correct Azure services, the book progresses by building the system in scalable, decoupled tiers. The book will teach you how to implement a scalable architecture using Azure Service Bus topics, allowing customer orders to be sent between decoupled business domains and processed by scalable worker roles. Azure Active Directory is implemented across all internal systems in the case study including websites, client applications, and mobile applications to create a unified authentication experience.


