
The Next Pope
by George Weigel
141 Pages · 2020 · 1 MB · 46 Downloads · New!
The Next Pope is the history, Christianity, and Christianity history book that contains the complete history of Christianity. George Weigel is the author of this fascinating book. Christianity is the most popular religion in the world. Billions of people in the world followed Christianity and it is more than two thousand years old. Christians are spread worldwide and they are not limited to any specific religion. You will find them in every part of the world by following their religious norms. There are different sects of Christianity and Catholics are the most famous among them. More than one billion Christians in the world are Catholics and they blindly follow their Pope. Pope is the preacher of the church and he is controlling all of Catholics. He has the power to make any decision and his followers are standing right behind him. There is only Pope at the time and he can turn these people any side. The crusades war started due to Pope who made a decision to turn against Muslims. Becoming Pope is not an easy task and it requires a lot of abilities and most importantly leadership. This is a remarkable book that covers the history of Catholicism.


