
Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel, 2nd Edition
by Gordon S. Linoff
792 Pages · 2015 · 15.74 MB · 1,062 Downloads · New!
A practical guide to data mining using SQL and Excel
Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel
by Gordon S. Linoff
792 Pages · 2015 · 28 MB · 86 Downloads · New!
The “Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel, 2nd Edition” is a very detailed description and SQL code for people who are interested in learning and actually performing the data analysis. Gordon S. Linoff is the author of this book. Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel” is a valuable resource for business intelligence and data mining practitioners in all industries. Having seen a multitude of books offering either statistical analysis techniques or suggestions around data mining tools, it is refreshing to see someone approach the subject using simple, readily available tools and a practical, business-oriented approach to the topic. The apparently mundane subject of customer retention coupled with buying patterns and market basket analysis is laid out in an effective and sequential manner. The SQL examples take some getting used to but, once understood, offers a series of easily implemented and highly effective methods to illustrate the concepts shown in the book. Gordon always takes a pragmatic approach to solving problems and the specific examples used in the book are ones that can easily be extended for some of the most complex analytics in use today across industries. The fact that Excel is added makes this book even more powerful and indispensable.


