
Be Obsessed or Be Average
by Grant Cardone
240 Pages · 2016 · 1.16 KB · 127 Downloads · New!
Be Obsessed or Be Average is one of the best books written on self-success. Grant Cardone is the guy behind this book. Grant is a massively successful entrepreneur, real estate investor, sales trainer, consultant, and public speaker. This multi-talented man owns the Grant Cardone TV Network. In this book, Grant discovered the key to transforming his life by harnessing the one essential ingredient that all successful people have in common obsession. It is a book that enables readers to fulfil their dreams at the right time. It helps to unlock the power that already possesses and take the life to the next level. Through step by step guide, it teaches how to set crazy goals and reach them, every single day, feeds the beast when you value money and spend it on the right things, you get more of it and shut down the doubters and use your haters as fuel. Doing it with valuable people around and with you, constantly aware, ready to adapt and evolve is what will keep you in the game. Being obsessed will give you the edge to get and stay ahead of the competition. In short, Grant pulls no punches and makes no excuses for being obsessed about dreaming big and achieving success.
If You’re Not First, You’re Last
by Grant Cardone
272 Pages · 2010 · 4 MB · 45 Downloads · New!
If You’re Not First, You’re Last by Grant Cardone is a notable business book in which the author tells about the techniques of achieving the high sales in the business. Grant Cardone is the author of this amazing book. During the contractions of economics, it’s a very tough job to sell your required products, increase the shares in the market and gain the success you desire. Gradually increase your customers and sell more and more. During this, you cannot handle a mistake or failure, it will totally turn down your business. The modern business needs the transitions and if you do not update them it an alarming situation for you. On the other side, consider you are selling your products where other fails. Take the shares of the market and beat your competitors. The gradual increase in our shares by adopting the smart formula where others fail. This book provides you with enough knowledge to tackle all of the business situations. You will just continue to improve your sales, in addition, create the new products, gain the shares and increase margins. The author focuses on four main points which are enough to convert the unsold into selling. The selling attitude and the financial freedom.
Sell or Be Sold
by Grant Cardone
200 Pages · 2012 · 1.40 MB · 50 Downloads · New!
Sell or Be Sold: How to Get Your Way in Business and in Life is an amazing book of marketing. Grant Cardone is the author of this book. Grant is an international sales training expert. Grant’s unique, commonsense approach, along with his humour, wit, and infectious energy, allows him to connect with any audience, giving him the title of the Entrepreneur of the 21st Century. In Sell or Be Sold, he breaks down the techniques and approaches necessary to master the art of selling in any avenue. His book enables readers to learn how to handle rejection, turn around negative situations, shorten sales cycles, and guarantee greatness. Some of the things he teaches are common sense (if such thing even exists) but are way forgotten or just salespeople do not like to deal with them. The greatest thing about the book is to take action on anything you want to pursue, but not just any kind of action but massive action.
The 10X Rule
by Grant Cardone
240 Pages · 2011 · 0.8 MB · 65 Downloads · New!
“The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure” is one the best books on self-success. Grant Cardone is the author of this book. In this book, he gives step-by-step guidance on how to achieve phenomenal success. This is a book about hard work and in it, the author highlights the many traits of those that are successful. The “10x Rule” and a specific sense is the idea that you will achieve success in any field and in most endeavours if you put forth 10x the effort that you are putting in now or that you believe you will have to put in to achieve your goals. What you can count on is that every chapter will cover concepts concerning taking action, commitment, taking control, fear, excuses, and just about all the corollary precepts that surround the idea of success. In summary, we recommended this book for people that want to be great in every aspect of their lives. Massive action is the key to achieve this.
The Millionaire Booklet
by Grant Cardone
44 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 51 Downloads · New!
The Millionaire Booklet is the self-development and business book which contains the stories of successful peoples who make their way to become a millionaire over a short period of time. Grant Cardone is the author of this notable book. He is New York Times writer and the author of various world renewed books. Grant Cardone is also a motivational speaker, entrepreneur and real estate investor. This book is specially written for middle-class people who are struggling in their entire lives to meet their expenses. It gives you a road which leads you to become a millionaire.


