
The Crowd
by Gustave Le Bon
160 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 49 Downloads · New!
“The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind” is an amazing book that reveals students history. Gustave Le Bon is the author of this wonderful book. Gustave Le Bon was a French polymath whose areas of interest included psychology, sociology, and anthropology, medicine invention and physics. In the 1890s, he turned to psychology and sociology, in which he released his most successful works. Le Bon provides an entertaining analysis of the characteristics of crowds. His main thesis is that crowds become entities that exceed any of the individual members and essentially take on a life of their own. The author also provides convincing details about the types of people that rise to govern and lead crowds. It provides such a spot-on depiction of what would come to be with Hitler and Germany during WWII. That terrible fact of history makes the book worth reading and it engages all the reader from start to end of the page. Furthermore, this book had a profound impact on twentieth-century masters of crowd control like Hitler and Mussolini. To sum it up, The Crowd is a must-read book for students of history, law, sociology, and psychology.


