
A Brightness Long Ago
by Guy Gavriel Kay
0 Pages · 2019 · ePub/PDF · 38 Downloads · New!
“A Brightness Long Ago” is an amazing historical novel that covers historical fiction, science fiction, and historical fantasy. This novel is authorized by Guy Gavriel. He is an international bestselling author and writes magical novels. The whole theme of the novel revolves around the maritime city. The novel presents the life of an old man who looks back to his youth and about the peoples of his surrounding who shaped his life. He is the son of a tailor but fate changed the moment when a girl enters in his life. She is called Andria Ripoli and met him in the count’s chambers on a cloudy night. She is intending to kill when she enters in the count’s chambers. Andria challenges her role, expectations and what she wants to do. Both Andria and Danio came close to each another after this challenge and decides to live together. In short, the whole story of the novel reflects the lifeline of an old man and his earliest memories regarding youth. Each part of the story is intriguing and invested that grab the attention of the reader from beginning to end. This is the story of love, ambition, fall and rise of influential characters, fate and human impulses. This novel is highly recommended to those who are looking for something different with depth.


