
The Precariat
by Guy Standing
248 Pages · 2015 · 5 MB · 39 Downloads · New!
“The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class (Bloomsbury Revelations)” is a book which talks about insecurity problems. Guy Standing is the author of this best-selling book. He is a Professor of Development Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies. He is the author of the sequel to The Precariat, A Precariat Charter and co-author of Basic Income. In this best-selling book, Guy Standing talks about insecurity problems. He says, all the professional facing problems such as engineers, doctors, and some others. When you are a student of engineering field or a student of MBBS line, you must think about what you should get after completing studies. You got the government job or not? If you go abroad on a working visa, then you also think about the green card. Guy Standing offers what he believes to be offsetting policies and holds out optimistic hopes that the Precariat may form up into an effective resolving force. Furthermore, the industrialized nations of the world lost the means of production through relocating factories and service jobs to underdeveloped nations to reduce wages and increase profits. In short, The Precariat is a must-read book that describes insecurity problems.


