
The Leading Brain
by Friederike Fabritius, Hans W. Hagemann
336 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 14 Downloads · New!
“The Leading Brain: Neuroscience Hacks to Work Smarter, Better, Happier” is very insightful and clear when explaining how our brains work and how it is decisive in the art of achievement and leadership. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to improve his skills on getting the best results from himself and others. Friederike Fabritius and Hans W. Hagemann are the authors of this attractive book. The authors really help you understand, in simple language, how our brain works and what we can do to better optimize it. This book brings together neuroscience and the practice of leadership, consultancy and business management in easily readable, enjoyable, engaging and humorous language. There are many books on leadership, but the Leading brain represents an unprecedented attempt to explain the neuroscience underpinnings of behaviour, thinking and feeling in the workplace, how to use the latest findings in neuroscience to harness every person’s potential, deliver great seminars and lectures and create great leaders in the field. Backed up with scientific and historical evidence, this well-structured book, the effort of considerable experience and success, takes leadership to another level. Leadership is a relational Endeavor, not an effort performed in isolation, this book helps the average reader to understand the underpinnings of their work, the role of the brain in regulating emotion and arousal, the executive brain or prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for attention, focusing and rational processing, and harnessing the unlimited capacity of the unconscious which provides a much needed explanation for why we have the capacity for flight or fight and the actions we take from day to day. We commend this book to every leader, business manager, and aspiring worker because it is a book that brings evidence-based advice into the workplace!


