
Programming Video Games for the Evil Genius
by Ian Cinnamon
316 Pages · 2015 · 8 MB · 56 Downloads · New!
The “Programming Video Games for the Evil Genius 1st Edition” focuses on making programming fun. Ian Cinnamon is the author of this book. This book reveals the secrets to making video games happen your way through programming tips anyone can master with a little practice. offers is a fun way to understand basic code with fun using the graphics and other utilities to make 2-dimensional games. Cinnamon thinks and writes like a person self-taught. That is essential for others who wish to do the same. I use this book the way it was designed for. To understand code but have fun doing it. It keeps the drive to continue because you get to see the results and games along with it. The book teaches young minds how to think critically, how to think digitally, how to plan, how to strategize, how to create rapport with others through a game’s computer interface and how to command attention while commanding computers all in the context of having fun helping others have fun. It’s an excellent introduction to programming, even for novices. This is a pretty decent book. You will want to make sure you have some experience in Java or programming in general before taking on this book. It is not “hard” code, but a complete beginner would be lost due to the very short and vague explanations of the code.


