
Hands-On Convolutional Neural Networks with TensorFlow
by Iffat Zafar, Giounona Tzanidou, Richard Burton, Nimesh Patel, Leonardo Araujo
272 Pages · 2015 · 18 MB · 4,545 Downloads · New!
The “Hands-On Convolutional Neural Networks with TensorFlow: Solve computer vision problems with modeling in TensorFlow and Python” is a great book for those who want to use Convolutional Neural Networks for solving real-world problems. Iffat Zafar, Giounona Tzanidou, Richard Burton, Nimesh Patel, and Leonardo Araujo are the authors of this great book. Convolutional Neural Networks are the most popular architectures used in computer vision apps. This book will guide the readers on how to train machine learning models with TensorFlow.


