
The Caves of Steel
by Issac Asimov
272 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 46 Downloads · New!
“The Caves of Steel (The Robot Series Book 1)” is a science fiction filled book about the universe and about the planet earth and here author tells us about two main reasons for growth and development. The book discusses the role of science in everyday life and the progress of all of us. This fabulous book is written by Issac Asimov. He is the most wanted and read author in America and had written many scientific and fiction filled books on how we can the planet earth changed from a desert to fertile land. The author says that nothing else except the human brain and its ideologies changed the world and also the colonization increased the population on earth. The book discusses the luxuries and comforts that are available to man today but were not there in past because with the passage of time the human brain started to work like a positron. The metaphoric term [positron is used to explain the capability and features of the human brain and thinking ability. Concluding, the book is full of knowledge, inspiration, research, and interest for the readers who love to read science fiction.
Forward the Foundation
by Isaac Asimov, Issac Asimov
466 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 47 Downloads · New!
“Forward the Foundation” is an interesting and motivating book in which the author tells us that research is the thing that never ends and if you have found out the thing you were looking for then still on your way you may have got a lot of such things which lead you to keep on searching. This ideal and perfect book is written by Issac Asimov. He is the most read and wanted author in America and had written many famous books and novels filled with fiction. The book is an excellent example of her excellent writing skills and habits. The author states that a woman named Hari wanted to find a place other than earth where humans can live and stay and she spent her whole life doing research. Although she didn’t find what she was looking for she got many interesting and mind-blowing things on her way and she was wise and she wrote about each and every point she found and then years later her granddaughter found those writings and continued research on it. Summarizing, the book is full of knowledge, hope, inspiration, and interest for science fiction lovers.
Foundation and Earth
by Isaac Asimov, Issac Asimov
465 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 56 Downloads · New!
“Foundation and Earth” is a lesson giving, emotional, and truth revealing book in which the author tells us how we can feel the pains and sorrows of others and how to be human and patient in life. The book explains that the root cause of the absence of any such feeling is a lack of humanity. This formidable book is written by Issac Asimov. He is the most wanted and most-read New York Times author and had written many famous books filled with facts and fiction. In this book, the author says that God has created all of us equal and humanity lies inside us and we just have kept it alive and reawaken it. The author says that it is true there is no one crueler than man but at the same time, no one could be more merciful than man. The difference that exists is due to sleeping humanity inside us. The book states that although life is tough and demands constant and appreciable struggle so, no one of us can deny the blessings and charm of life and everyone loves life but to feel the pains and sorrows of others teaches you true meanings of life and being living. In short, the book is lesson giving and interesting for the readers.
Prelude to Foundation
by Isaac Asimov, Issac Asimov
530 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 73 Downloads · New!
“Prelude to Foundation” is an interesting and lesson-giving book in which the author tells us that talent is the most wonderful thing humans are blessed with and they can use this talent to make a distinction and to explore the world. The author says that like many other psychohistories Hari was one of the most wanted persons in the Cleon Empire. This fabulous book is written by Issac Asimov. He is the bestselling New York Times author and had written many famous novels and books like I Robot, The Robots of Dawn and The Naked Sun, etc. In this book, the author says that Cleon Emperor was huge and powerful in 12,020 G. E. but when Hari Seldon came there to present her paper on Psychohistory, he was very respected. Then she realized that Prophetic power is the most fascinating and attractive thing that makes you wanted and people love you. The book guides us on how to be successful in life by exploring the field you are interested in and not always demand the results from every research rather you will learn a lot from it and it will pave the way to success in life. Concluding, the book is full of knowledge, inspiration, and interest for the readers who love to read science fiction filled books.
The Naked Sun
by Issac Asimov
257 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 44 Downloads · New!
“The Naked Sun (The Robot Series Book 2)” is a wonderful description of colonization on land and the advancement in human life with science and technology. The book explains the role of science in making human life better and these advancements are also the results of human efforts. This fabulous book is written by Isaac Asimov. He is the bestselling New York Times author and had written many famous books and novels on scientific research and its role in human life. In this book, the author explains to us how do desert transformed into productive and fertile land with the efforts of human beings.


