
Dressing on the Side
by Jaclyn London
320 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 37 Downloads · New!
The “Dressing on the Side (and Other Diet Myths Debunked): 11 Science-Based Ways to Eat More, Stress Less, and Feel Great About Your Body (2019)” helps everyone to lose weight for good looking. Jaclyn London is the author of this book. Jaclyn is responsible for the creation, execution, and oversight of all of the magazine’s nutrition-related contents across media platforms with diet and meal planning content. She received her Bachelor’s degree in European history and Dance from Northwestern University, her master degree in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics from New York University. “Dressing on the Side” for those of us who bounced around from fad diet to health craze to cleanse failure and are looking for something real in the world. Jaclyn book filled with accessible information, simple strategies and practical application of scientific research, shortcuts, and solutions that work within any scenario like identify are the fake nutrition news, what you eat and feel satisfied and further using your schedule to inform your food choice. In short, Dressing on the Side is an anti-diet book that will completely transform the way of think, speak about food and health.


