
The Opposite of Certainty
by Janine Urbaniak Reid
288 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 65 Downloads · New!
“The Opposite of Certainty by Janine Urbaniak Reid” is a beautifully written, honest account of thinking you have everything under control, and then you hear the words that your child has cancer. Janine Urbaniak Reid is the author of this perfect book. Janine has written a book that speaks of hope and faith that is universally compelling. Her story of mothering a child with a devastating brain tumor while trying to keep herself going and attending to her marriage and other children demonstrates how one can survive and even thrive when we thought we could not. Janine’s prose is beautiful and had me in tears as well as laughter at her sincerity and candor. Janine’s book provides a unique personal perspective that is relatable and universal to anyone dealing with traumatic uncertainty. She shows so much courage in sharing this unbelievably painful experience and writes about it with warmth and grace. One frustrating aspect, though, was that she goes to great lengths to describe herself as someone who believes that for her family’s world to function, she must be in total control of everything, at all times. In control of what happens, how people perceive them, how information is shared with professionals so they will help her son, where they go, what they eat…the list goes on and on.


