
by Jason Cranford Teague
456 Pages · 2015 · 99 MB · 44 Downloads · New!
The “CSS3: Visual QuickStart Guide (5th Edition)” is a helpful book for beginners to learn CSS3. Jason Cranford Teague is the author of this great book. He has over 15 years of experience in the Online world and written numerous books, including Fluid Web Typography. Jason is a designer, writer, and teacher who helps people creativity apply technology. He has recently worked with the W3C CSS Workgroup, advising them on design issues with typography. This book might be called “Introduction to CSS with new features from CSS3”. In this book, the author teaches CSS very well and discusses some of the new features of CSS3 along the way. CSS3 does cover a lot of CSS 1 & 2, and some of the new features in CSS3. The text of this book is very thoughtfully and clearly written, excellent syntax and easy to follow, so it engages all the reader from start to end of the page. This book also dives into the new HTML 5 standard and teaches that alongside CSS3, because HTML 5 and CSS3 need to be together. If you are new to CSS, then this will be a great book to bring you up to speed and show what features are possible and accessible in CSS.  To sum it up, CSS3 is an enlightening book for all the newbie and professional web designers.


