
Real Artists Don’t Starve
by Jeff Goins
240 Pages · 2018 · 1.16 MB · 75 Downloads · New!
“Real Artists Don’t Starve: Timeless Strategies for Thriving in the New Creative Age” is a must-read book for everyone. Jeff Goins is the guy behind this book. Jeff is a bestselling author, keynote speaker, and popular blogger with a reputation for challenging the status quo. In three years, Goins built a million-dollar business, published four books, and became an online marketing expert, using his skills in writing and business to help others succeed. The “Real Artists Don’t Starve” is a feel-good book of anecdotes and research about artists of all stripes who have come to a point where they can make a living. It is not so much about the practical aspects (such as how to do it within specific industries or avenues to pursue) as it is anecdotal and inspirational. If you have read more than a few books/blogs about being an artist and making a living, particularly those of a more inspirational bent, you won’t really find anything new here. Despite that, the way that the stories are told is nicely done. It’s one of those books that’s better suited to someone who needs encouragement rather than practical instructions.
The Art of Work
by Jeff Goins
240 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 39 Downloads · New!
“The Art of Work: A Proven Path to Discovering What You Were Meant to Do” is a great book for those who want to know how to optimize work. Jeff Goins is the author of this impressive book. Jeff a writer, keynote speaker, and award-winning blogger with a reputation for challenging the status quo. This is a beautifully-written book that redefines the “finding your purpose” sub-genre. At its essence, it’s a book about self-ownership and living a more conscious, and therefore fulfilling, life. Jeff combines moving real-life stories with a fluff-free framework that encourages us to wake up and realize that a calling isn’t something we just find, it’s something we create. It’s not an easy journey, it’s rarely a clear journey, but it is available to all of us who are willing to see where the path ahead leads. A great book for anyone who wants a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in their lives, and for people who are already doing “their” work and want guidance and a hefty dose of inspiration.


