
Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches
by Don Jones, Jeffery Hicks
352 Pages · 2015 · 41 MB · 24 Downloads · New!
If you are serious about learning some of the intermediate to advanced concepts in PowerShell, Learn PowerShell Scripting in a Month of Lunches 1st Edition is for you. Don Jones and Jeffery Hicks are the authors of this book. This new book by two PowerShell experts, Don Jones and Jeffery Hicks, has been a helpful eye-opener. First of all, the writing is crisp and clear and the authors’ focus on “toolmaking”: Create a tool for each task and “then ‘connect’ those tools together into a process by writing what we call a controller script.” They emphasize the importance of “making things smaller” in the process of creating PowerShell scripts. “For any given process that you need to automate, what are the smallest units of work you can create to accomplish each task within the process. It gets you started quickly on the process of building useful tools. Still, there is much to take in, and you may need several “months of lunches” get really good at PowerShell scripting, as well as (later in the book) saving the created data using SQL Server. While PowerShell is now available for other platforms besides Windows, the authors state that the examples in this book have been tested only with Windows 10. Also, the coding platform recommended in the book is Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code and you must use version 3 or later of PowerShell.


