
The Self-Help Guide for Special Kids and Their Parents
by Joan Matthews
304 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 43 Downloads · New!
“The Self-Help Guide for Special Kids and Their Parents” is a step by step guide book which reveals how to care the Special kids. Joan Matthews is the author of this book. Joan Matthews is the author of five romance novels. Matthews is the mother of James Williams. James is 11 years old and now a fully mainstreamed fifth-grader without special support service. James wants to be a writer and wants to help the other people with autism he grows up. The author tells the reader how to behave when someone is crying. Joan Matthews also shares some strategies to help parents discipline a child who has special needs, first of all, learn about your child’s condition, be consistent, use rewards and consequences, use clear and simple messages, establish a routine and believe in your child. I recommend this book especially for those parents who pointlessly physically punish their children for behaviors that are neurologically-based. This book is very well organized and had a great sense of humor about the topics. In short, The Self-Help Guide for Special Kids and Their Parents is a necessary book for those who have Special children.


