
Next Level Thinking
by Joel Osteen
224 Pages · 2018 · 2  MB · 53 Downloads · New!
Next Level Thinking is the positive thinking, success, self-help and personal transformation book which tells the different techniques to improve your life by improving your thinking abilities. Joel Osteen is the author of this impressive book. Why some of us become successful in life and some of us meat failure. What is the difference between successful and unsuccessful people? Most of the unsuccessful are the victim of self-pity. These people think that they have reached their maximum limits and they cannot be successful in life. Every new day in life gives us an opportunity to pursue our goals but we did not consider it. We all humans are created equally by birth the only difference is our effort. If we make the right efforts in the world to reach our goals then we will become successful otherwise not. The author shares the techniques to improve memory and make the right choices in life. Regular exercise makes a positive impact on thinking abilities. Train your mind for good and positive results. Take a healthy amount of diet to keep you energetic and safe. Get enough sleep and make a habit of reading. This is a comprehensive book which shows the best way to improve your thinking.
Become a Better You
by Joel Osteen
400 Pages · 2008 · 1 MB · 53 Downloads · New!
Become a Better You is the happiness, success, personal transformation and relationship guide which shares the proven techniques and methods to become a better you. Joel Osteen is the author of this impressive book. He is the bestselling author in the New York Times. Everyone is born genius but we have to polish our-self. We are gifted from all kinds of resources that are required for success. God gives us unlimited abilities but we are failed to discover it. This book will motivate you to find peace, happiness, joy, and hope in your lives. You will able to look deep inside yourself to become a better student, teacher, child, parents, employee, boss, husband, wife, friend and ultimately a better person. Joel shares the seven-step of human founding that he gathers from the holy books. He explained everything simple and easy to understand style. There are seven chapters in the guide and every one has its own importance. Learn, how to build strong relations that will help you in the future. How to build self-confidence, find peace in society and stay focused in life. This book encourages people to become the best version of their selves.
Daily Readings from the Power of I Am
by Joel Osteen
384 Pages · 2016 · 3  MB · 51 Downloads · New!
Daily Readings from the Power of I Am is the personal transformation and self-help book which tells the different ways to improve your life. Joel Osteen is the author of this tremendous book. He is the bestselling author in the New York Times. Joel helps thousands of people to change their life. Our nature gives equal opportunities to all of us but the only person gets the victory who uses his abilities. We all are blessed with countless blessings from our God. This book will show you exactly how to use your natural abilities to move forward in life. First of all, learn to face your fears. You never become successful in life if you don’t conquer your fears. Perform the different exercises to strengthen your will power and focus. Admit your mistakes that you have done and learn from them. Learn, how to live in the present moment by leaving past behind. Redefine your goals and eliminate all those things from your life which are creating a distraction. Believe in yourself and don’t let others destroy your belief and confidence. Make the habit of forgiving others as it helps you to stay calm.
Power over the Enemy
by Joel Osteen, John Osteen
244 Pages · 2014 · 4  MB · 53 Downloads · New!
Power over the Enemy is the religion, divine, self-help and spiritual book which tells the root cause of our problems. John Osteen is the author of this imposing book. We all forget that Satan is our enemy and he will never see humans doing good deeds. Today, we know all the information on the latest technology and we are aware of what is happening around the world. The people forget the day of judgment and now evils are their friends. Evil life brings nothing in our life except addictions, sins and relationship problems. We all have to gather one day to answer in front of God. What we are going to answer if we don’t have anything good to show God. Why we are ignorant of punishment and how can we able to forget Satan will do everything to distract us from the right path. It will not only make our end life bad but also torn our earth’s life. God gives us to come back and ask for forgiveness whenever we did anything terrible in life. This book will show you how to defeat Satan and live a good life that inspires everyone. An incredible book that is written on the teaching of Jesus Christ.
I Declare
by Joel Osteen
192 Pages · 2013 · 1 MB · 46 Downloads · New!
I Declare is the personal transformation, devotional, self-esteem and Christian book which discusses the blessing of God on humans. Joel Osteen is the author of this magnificent book. Humans are the most blessed creature of the Earth who is gifted by infinite blessing and today we are going to talk about a few ones. This blessing provides us the happiness, peace, and protection in our lives. God blessings meant us to protect us, guide us from the evil path to righteousness and give us hope of a better future. Keep yourself reminding about the creature of God that He will never leave you in the middle of the crisis. The whole life of yours should be spent while counting the blessings of God. Keep praising him whenever you are doing something in your life as it will help you to achieve your goals further. God bless us with beautiful relations in our life like parents, brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, friends and relatives. We are loved and cared for by our family since we are born. God gave you tongue to speak, ear to listen, eyes to see, hands to do work, feet to walk and many infinite blessings. This book reminds 31 blessing of God to us which will make your life even easier through heath, thoughts, finance, outlook, overcoming obstacles and family legacy.
Blessed in the Darkness
by Joel Osteen
304 Pages · 2018 · 1 MB · 50 Downloads · New!
Blessed in the Darkness are the Christian, self-help, spiritual, positive thinking and divine guide which reminds the blessings of God in the hard times. Joel Osteen is the author of this remarkable book. Human life is a mixture of happiness and sadness. We go through from soft and hard times but nothing is permanent nor the happiness and neither the sorrows. We have a limited vision and we did not understand the logic of having difficulty with a friend. We all experience a financial setback and unfair situation at work in our lives. Sometimes we met with an unexpected illness, loss of the loved ones or divorce. These are the part of the human journey and you have to confront all these days. The only thing that motivates you to go through all the troubles to think positive and hope for the best from God. The difficult times in our life comes to us for a better future. They are never meant to break us but makes us strong. This book shows, how to beat a hard time by putting your trust to God. God is the one who created us and he is the one who is going to protect us. Give control of your life to God and see how your life changed.
Think Better, Live Better
by Joel Osteen
224 Pages · 2016 · 1 MB · 40 Downloads · New!
Think Better, Live Better is the self-help, positive thinking, inspirational and Christian book that shares the pros of positive thinking. Joel Osteen is the author of this incredible book. He is the bestselling author in the New York Times who wrote dozens of life-changing books. Joel is on the top of creating lives and this guide is another masterpiece to live a fulfilled and blessed life. Our mind is the most complex organism in the human body which assists the whole mind to operate. It plays an important in success and failure. The brain has an incredible power to affect the lives of humans both in positive and negative ways. If we stay positive, focused and work hard for our goals then our life will be changed forever. But if think negative, remain to distract from goals and don’t work for our future them no one can stop us from being a punk. The competition is growing day by day and we cannot beat the world with a negative mindset. Humans are the most favorite creature by God and he gave us the ability to live a successful life. Now, it depends on us, we use our mind for positivity or use it negative. God already made wonderful plans for us so don’t lose hope.
Our Best Life Together
by Joel Osteen, Victoria Osteen
304 Pages · 2018 · 30  MB · 50 Downloads · New!
Our Best Life Together is the devotional, relationship, self-help and couple therapy guide for the couple that teaches them how to encourage each other for a better future. Joel Osteen and Victoria Osteen are the authors of this fabulous book. Joel and Victoria are husband and wife. They both love each other and set an example for all the couples. In this guide, they encourage people to marry and enjoy the beautiful married life. Marriage is one of the blessings from God and it increases happiness and peace in your life. Joel shares the tips for a successful and happy married life. Make a promise to yourself that you will make your partner feel good about themselves. Do the things that you both enjoy. There is no need to get involved in competition with your partner. Your love must be genuine and never think of breaking the trust of your partner. Do your future planning together and listen to each other’s priorities. Avoid making such arguments or decisions that undermine the self-respect. Communication plays a key role in all kinds of relationships. Use soft words and tongue. Live tighter in difficult and hard times then you will clearly see a difference in your life.
Your Best Life Now
by Joel Osteen
336 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 90 Downloads · New!
Your Best Life Now is the personal transformation, self-help and spiritual book which guides us towards positive thinking and spiritual fulfillment. Joel Osteen is the guy behind this impressive book. The author raised a question from both men and women to examine what they really believe. Why Joel ask this question from the people and how belief is important in this modern world? The bitter truth is we will become what we believe. Our beliefs either courage us to do something meaningful in life or become a disaster for humanity. These beliefs will let us walk through difficult times and some beliefs will bring difficulties in our life. There is a number of benefits that believe have in our lives. It leads us to live a focused life. It increases our confidence and motivates us to do anything we want. Belief helps us to achieve goals and ultimately you will able to live a stress-free life. It makes you more productive and you will able to perform your tasks more quickly. Belief strengthens your abilities in decision making and helps you to stay strong in a challenging environment. A person will able to take risks and think out of the box. A comprehensive book which elaborates the pros of belief.
You Can, You Will
by Joel Osteen
192 Pages · 2019 · 1 MB · 55 Downloads · New!
You Can, You Will is the positive thinking, personal transformation and self-help book for the people to change their life. Joel Osteen is the author of this magnificent book. Joel wrote this guide after years of research on the winners. Why winners are the not who never give up and failures even afraid of trying. The big difference between success and failure is to try. The people who try their best at every shot until they succeeded are the winners. Successful embrace their journey through the ladders of failure but one thing that makes them successful is belief. Belief gives you the courage to take chances and one day you see yourself where you dream off. It will help you to achieve new levels of success immediately. He shares the eight most common habits of successful people. They have a vision in their lives that encourage them to take action. These people always think and expect positive but at the same time, they are ready for the worse. Positive mindset look for opportunities to achieve the goals. They are passionate to help others through their resources. To sum it up, it shares all those habits which you need to become a successful person.


