
Imagine Heaven
by John Burke
352 Pages · 2015 · · 26 Downloads · New!
“Imagine Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Promises, and the Exhilarating Future That Awaits You” is an interesting and attractive book to anyone who is curious about what heaven may be like and is open to imagining the realities of heaven. John Burke is the author of this impressive book. John did such a remarkable job of explaining so vividly and in beautiful detail the wonder of Heaven in earthly words that as he himself admits pale in comparison to what it will really be like. We get a glimpse of the glorious homecoming. we have to wait for us and it is exciting beyond words. Also, this book affords those of us who have lost loved ones, comfort and joy as we Imagine Heaven. This really is an authoritative and factual book on Heaven. Burke has approached this topic of heaven from a practical, scientific, and scriptural view. From the perspective of people who have claimed to visit heaven after a near-death experience and backed up by scripture that describes exactly what we can expect in heaven, John breaks the stereotypes of heaven and clearly shows the reader what to expect. The people Burke focuses on to help describe what to expect in the next life are professionals such as doctors, professors, bankers, and even people in the Hindu & Muslim religions. These are not necessarily people with nothing to lose. Theses are people whose reputations are on the line. They describe a common core experience of heaven that falls directly in line with what can be found in stories dating back many centuries. There is a God out there who cares for you and wants each of us to be with Him forever. Many people who have experienced what awaits for us in Heaven tell stories of a Being of Light that loves them completely. In fact, more than any love they’ve felt before. Burke tackles tough topics such as whether we’ll be with our loved ones in heaven; whether we’ll be floating around in an eternal cloud; whether or not Hell exists. We’d highly recommend ordering this book. You won’t be disappointed.


