
Numerical Methods Using Matlab
by John H. Mathews Kurtis K. Fink
696 Pages · 2015 · 40 MB · 30 Downloads · New!
The “Numerical Methods Using Matlab (4th Edition)” provides a fundamental introduction to numerical analysis. John H. Mathews and Kurtis K. Fink are the authors of this book. This book goes straight to the heart of the numerical methods without unnecessary distracting fancy pictures and layout that some numerical methods textbooks for engineers have. Also, the book has enough Matlab programs for a reader/student to understand the essentials of Matlab programming and then tweak/modify the programs for further applications. The authors start with the basics in Numerical Methods assuming that this book will be used as the primary textbook in the course. Each theory is followed by an example Matlab programs. Students can certainly use this text to assist them with modelling, simulation and statistical problems in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and various Applied Chemistry and Physics courses. You can also Download Digital Image Processing Using Matlab by Gonzalez PDF.


