
Paradise Lost
by John Milton
512 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 39 Downloads · New!
The “Paradise Lost (Penguin Classic) 1st Edition” is an Epic poetry book. The author of this poetry book is John Milton. Milton spent his early years in scholarly pursuit. He also took up the causes for the new Commonwealth, defending the English revolution both in English and Latin. He writes numerous fiction and non-fiction books and all of them are worth to read. His poems are so meaningful and engage the reader from first to end of the page. His poems were published after political defeat. The Paradise Lost is about Adam and Eve, how they came to be created and how they came to lose their place in the Garden of Eden. Satan and his followers are recovering from defeat in a war, they build a place called Pandemonium. At the gate of hell, he meets his offspring, Sin, and Death, who unbar the globe which is heaven. To know further about this story, then read this best-selling poetry book. In addition, Paradise Lost comprises a fine introduction to the poem, a glossary of mysterious words found in it and commentaries on Milton’s style and poetics. To sum it up, Paradise Lost is a popular poetry book.
by John Milton
None Pages · None · · 28 Downloads · New!
This is Milton's astonishing call from 1644 for complete freedom of speech and an end to any government censorship. He argues passionately yet logically in a text that still has much to teach us today, and which gives a real insight into the genuine radicalism of the English Revolution. Anyone interested in the development of political thought and the history of the fight against government censorship should read this seminal and ground-breaking text.


