
Cost-Based Oracle Fundamentals
by Jonathan Lewis
536 Pages · 2005 · 2.8 MB · 2,478 Downloads · New!
If you’ve suffered the frustration of watching the optimizer do something completely bizarre when the best execution plan is totally obvious, or spent hours or days trying to make the optimizer do what you want it to do, then this is the book you need. You’ll come to know how the optimizer thinks, understand why it makes mistakes, and recognize the data patterns that make it go awry. With this information at your fingertips, you will save an enormous amount of time on designing and trouble-shooting your SQL.
Oracle Core
by Jonathan Lewis
280 Pages · 2011 · 2.9 MB · 3,121 Downloads · New!
Oracle Database seems complex on the surface. However, its extensive feature set is really built upon upon a core infrastructure resulting from sound architectural decisions made very early on that have stood the test of time. This core infrastructure manages transactions and the ability to commit and roll back changes, protects the integrity of the database, enables backup and recovery, and allows for scalability to thousands of users all accessing the same data.


