
Get Programming with Node.js
by Jonathan Wexler
480 Pages · 2015 · 19 MB · 90 Downloads · New!
The “Get Programming with Node.js, 1st Edition” is an instructive book which is written by the front-end developers with intermediate JavaScript skills. Get Programming with Node.js is written by the author Jonathan Wexler. Wexler is skilled in production-grade, full-stack web development. He is a senior developer with Bloomberg. In this book, Jonathan Wexler guides you on how to build web servers using JavaScript and Node. He teaches how to write the code for your first webserver to add live chat to a web app. This book has a friendly crash course on node.js with outstanding completeness, especially on security encryption. If you are a newbie in general to back-end development and want to get a good grasp on what you can do with node.js, express.js, and MongoDB, then this is a good book to start. The structure of this book is primarily to go over enough information. The examples of this book are helpful and the explanations down to earth. Get Programming with Node.js engages all the readers from start to end of the page and worth reading. To sum it up, Get Programming with Node.js is a helpful guide book for newbies and professionals programming students.


