
The More of Less
by Joshua Becker
240 Pages · 2016 · 1 MB · 52 Downloads · New!
The More or Less is the theology, spiritual and self-help guide which shares the importance of having less in our lives. Joshua Becker is the author of this remarkable book. Joshua has a history before writing this book. He and his wife decided to donate 60 percent of their wealth to poor people. Before giving it, they find it a difficult task but once they donate then they found more happiness, freedom and tension free life. Why it happens and how having less make your life a lot easier than actually. When we have excess consumption of money which includes the expenses of fastest cars, bigger houses, cluttered homes, and fancier technology. These facilities can never bring happiness in our lives except the passion of earning more. It distracts you from the real-life passion for which we are created. The shares the several benefits of owning less. A person will easily realize how this stuff is keeping him away from the real cause of life. Find the real way to achieve happiness which is through donation and good deeds. Remove all the unnecessary expenses from your life. Experience the joys of generosity and next time you won’t dare to lose it. This book will help the reader to get free from stress, anxiety, depression and live a simple life.
The Minimalist Home
by Joshua Becker
256 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 30 Downloads · New!
“The Minimalist Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to a Decluttered, Refocused Life” is a great book for making the life simple, easy and comfortable. Anyone who wants practical help with minimizing the home, this is the book for him. Joshua Becker is the author of this book. This is an excellent book with logical, sensible, and worth reading. This is a practical guide to begin taking steps to not only declutter your home but your life. In this step by step guide, you will go through each area in your home and evaluate what needs to go and what needs to stay. The author shares his own experiences and the experiences of others to demonstrate the value of refocusing your life by de-cluttering your home. One of today’s most influential minimalist advocates takes us on a decluttering tour of our own houses and apartments, showing us how to decide what to get rid of and what to keep. He both offers practical guidelines for simplifying our lifestyle at home and addresses underlying issues that contribute to over-accumulation in the first place. The purpose is not just to create a more inviting living space but to turn our life’s HQ our home into a launching pad for a more fulfilling and productive life in the world.


