
Don’t Tell a Soul
by K. Hood
342 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 71 Downloads · New!
The “Don’t Tell a Soul: A gripping crime thriller that will have you hooked (Detectives Kane and Alton)” is a suspense novel about a dead body. D. K. Hood is the author of this novel. She is the best-selling author of Detective Kane and Alton Series. She lives with her husband and has a small beautiful garden filled with birds and water dragons. In this novel, Hood describes a murder. A body is found stuffed into a barrel at a garbage dump, within a bad condition. It was the first case before this nothing ever happens in the small American town. Jenna has some clues because two people are missing and she knows they have some victim. Both were new in the town and someone also in contracting with them. She knows someone must have seen something but he is quite. Jenna begins asking the question from the people and she realizes she is very close to the killer. To know about further, read this fiction and thriller novel. Once somebody starts reading this novel, it is very tough to leave it without finishing, every page keeps users on the edge of the seat.


