
My Hero Academia
by Kohei Horikoshi
192 Pages · 2015 · 77 MB · 69 Downloads · New!
“My Hero Academia, Vol 25 (25)” is an impressive book in which the author says that although all of us wanted to legend and hero in life only a few of them become heroes because such a large saturation level will lead only to disputes and battle. This formidable book is written by Kohei Horikoshi. She is the Tezuka Award winner and had written many famous series and novels and this book is the part of her third series. In this book, the author says that life is a constant struggle and all of us wanted to lead the world with our talent but only a few of us become leaders in true means. Do you know why? If you don’t know the answer then you are not a good observer and philosopher because the more the leaders will be less will be the law and order because they are and will be busy in disputes among themselves and in the competition for everything and their focus on the public issues will below. So, think critically and do make a distinction in your field and that is the actual success and you are the hero of your field. In a conclusion, the book is informative, knowledge giving and interesting for the readers.


